5D vs. 3D Diamonds: What's the Difference and Which One to Choose?

Diamond painting has been gaining popularity among art enthusiasts of all ages. It is a fun and relaxing hobby that allows you to create beautiful and unique artwork by sticking tiny resin diamonds on a canvas. When you're starting out, one of the most important things to consider is the type of diamonds you will use. In this article, we'll discuss the difference between 5D and 3D diamonds and help you choose the right one for your next diamond painting project.

What are 5D diamonds?

5D diamonds, also known as full drill diamonds, are the most commonly used diamonds in diamond painting. They have five facets, including the top, two sides, and two bottoms, which gives them a more realistic and sparkling effect. 5D diamonds are made from resin and come in various colors and shapes to create a 3D effect on your canvas.

What are 3D diamonds?

3D diamonds, also known as partial drill diamonds, have three facets, including the top and two sides. Unlike 5D diamonds, they do not have facets on the bottom. This type of diamond is often used for smaller and more detailed areas in the diamond painting and to create a background or border effect. 3D diamonds are also made from resin and come in various colors and shapes.

The difference between 5D and 3D diamonds

The main difference between 5D and 3D diamonds is the number of facets they have. 5D diamonds have five facets, while 3D diamonds have three. This gives 5D diamonds a more realistic and sparkling effect, making them perfect for larger areas and the main elements of the painting. On the other hand, 3D diamonds are ideal for creating a border, background, or small details in the painting.

Another difference is the level of difficulty in using them. 5D diamonds require more time and effort to place on the canvas due to their additional facets, while 3D diamonds are easier and quicker to apply.

Which one to choose?

Choosing between 5D and 3D diamonds ultimately depends on your preference and the type of painting you want to create. If you want a more realistic and sparkling effect for the main elements of the painting, go for 5D diamonds. If you're looking to create a border or background effect, or want to add small details to your painting, 3D diamonds are the way to go.


In conclusion, both 5D and 3D diamonds have their own unique advantages and can be used in various ways to create stunning diamond paintings. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diamond painter, it's important to understand the difference between the two types of diamonds and choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. So, next time you're shopping for diamonds, keep in mind the difference between 5D and 3D diamonds and choose wisely for your next project.